London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southall 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southall]

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Food Hygiene
Food & Drugs Act, 1955
Food Hygiene Regulations, 1955-1956
Although the general standard of food premises in the Borough continues to be good,
it was necessary in two cases to take proceedings for contravention of the Food Hygiene
(General) Regulations. Fines totalling £25.0.0 were imposed, plus costs of £5.5.0.

The following table shows details of deficiencies which were found and remedied in food premises.

Articles/Equipment not kept clean55
Articles/Equipment not in good order
Containers not protected from contamination
Food so placed as to involve risk of contamination66
Food placed within 18 inches of ground and not adequately protected22
Waterclosets not kept clean and in efficient order22
Insufficient lighting and ventilation to water closets44
Absence of "Wash your hands" notices in water closets44
Absence of suitable and sufficient wash hand basins
Absence of hot water at a suitably controlled temperature over wash hand basins--
Absence of soap, nail brushes, clean towels, etc. near wash hand basins22
Absence of First-aid materials31
Absence of suitable and sufficient sinks for the washing of food and equipment--
Absence of hot water at a suitably controlled temperature over sink--
Absence of soap, clean cloths, etc. at sink22
Lack of accommodation for clothing
Walls, floors, etc. not kept clean35
Walls, floors, etc. not kept in good order32
Covered receptacle for refuse not provided
Accumulations of refuse, etc11
Rodent infestations53

Unsound Food
The following table shows items of unsound food which were investigated during the
year, and the action taken.