London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southall 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southall]

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Details of the observations made because of particular subjects of complaint and the
results of these observations can be seen in the following table. On no occasion was black
smoke observed to continue long enough to be considered as a statutory nuisance.
In addition to routine observation of factory chimneys, 13 complaints of nuisances
from smoke or grit were investigated, in some cases by the use of grit plates or Petri dishes,
and informal action taken at the premises secured their abatement.
Number of sites of observation 5 (3 deposit gauges and 2 lead
peroxide gauges)
Number of complaints of nuisance from smoke, 13 complaints re 12 premises
smell or grit and number of premises
Number of places kept under observation 13
Number of half-hour observations made 70
Number of times black smoke was detected 12
Total time of black smoke emissions 72½ minutes
Number of times moderate smoke observed 48
Total time of moderate smoke emissions 425 minutes