London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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In the western portion of the district, there are some houses
not yet linked up with the general system. The present^methods
of drainage employed at these houses are not satisfactory.
The following extensions have been completed or were in
progress during 1923:—
Jersey Road.— From "Rose Farm," Scrattage to the Great
West Road. This work is wearing completion.
Wood Lane.—(a) From Borough Road extending for a
length of 167 yards in a southerly direction. (b) From
London Road extending in a northerly direction for a distance
of 394 yards. This work is nearing completion.
Bath Road.—The extension of this sewer from Vicarage
Farm Lane to Cranford (1,937 yards in length) was completed
during the course of the year.
Great West Road.—The foul and surface water sewers
to that portion of the road situated within the Urban District
were completed during the course of the year.
Closet Accommodation.
Accommodation on the water carriage system is almost general
throughout the district, 98 per cent, of the houses having water-
This is carried out by the Local Authority and is under
control of the Surveyor.
During 1923, collection of house refuse has continued weekly
as before, but was disposed of by means of a dump in the Stainas
Road instead of being dealt with in the destructor.
During the year there were supplied 246 new ashbins.
Sanitary Inspection of District.
See pages 50—55.