London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1921

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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No cleansing has been carried out by the school nurses.
Personally, I am of opinion, that the responsibility for cleansing
of verminous children should be placed on the parent. With that
in view, I proposed to the Committee that we should train one
of the women members of the staff to carry out the cleansing of
of heads and that a fee of 1/- should be charged for this purpose.
Through the kindness of the Medical Officer of Health for the
County of London, the woman selected is being trained at one
of the London County Council Cleansing Stations, and her services
will be available early in 1922.
Owing to the attitude taken by the Bench of inflicting substantial
fines on cases brought before them, there has been a
noticeable improvement in the condition of the children's heads.
During the year 1921, legal proceedings were instituted against
the parents of 18 children. In three instances the summonses
were withdrawn, in two orders were made and in the remainder
fines were imposed as follows: 1 of 4/-; 1 of 7/6; 8 of 10/-;
3 of £1.
1. Number of Children Inspected.
2. Return of Defects found in the course of Medical
3. Numerical Return of Exceptional Children.
4. Treatment of Defects of Children—
A. Minor Ailments.
B. Visual Defects.
C. Defects of Nose and Throat.
D. Dental Defects.
5. Summary of Treatment of Defects.
6. Summary of Children examined at Routine Inspections.