London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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At my request, Dr. E. Cairns Roberts made a survey of all
known physically defective children of school age in the district
and submitted the report as follows:—
Report on Cripple Children of School Age.
Definition.— For the purposes of this Report the following
definition of the cripple child has been taken, viz. " children
who are handicapped because they lack the normal use of
skeleton or skeletal muscles," and only cases of physical defect
conforming to it have been included.
Number of Cases.—The total number of cases examined
was 43, 3 of which presented no definite deformity and are
not included in the following tables and percentages.
A total of 40 is equivalent to 5'7 per 1,000 children on
the registers.
Below are tables showing—
1. Analysis of cases.
2. Age at onset.
3. Sex incidence.
Active Disease.—In one case only was there any
evidence of active disease, viz., a boy, aged 12, with a
Tubercular Ankle, only noticed about six weeks previously.