London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1916

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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Area: Heston acres 3708
Isleworth „ 3185
Total 6893
Population (Civil Residents) (nett) 42000
Registrar-General's estimate of nett civil population 40770
Birth rate (nett) 20.1
England and Wales 21.6
Death rate (nett) 12.6
England and Wales 14.0
London 14.3
Infantile Mortality Rate 77.3 per 1000 births.
England and Wales 91 „ „
Loudon 89 „ „
The primary difficulty in presenting the vital statistics for
the year under report is that of estimating the population of the
district with any degree of accuracy. The data obtained under
the National Registration Act is not available to this department,
nor, of course, is the number of enlistments known. It has only
been possible, therefore, to estimate in very round figures that the
nett civil residents, (i.e., excluding enlistments, etc.), at the middle
of the year were 42,000. This basis has been adopted for the
calculation of the death rate, but the re-estimated nett number of
civil residents in 1915 has been adopted as a more reasonable
basis for the calculation of the birth rate. The Registrar-General
has furnished an estimate of the civil population as 40,770, but
it is not quite clear whether this figure, like the similar figure
for 1915, does not exclude residents in local institutions.
The number of deaths registered in the district was 975,
but 493 of these did not belong to the district, while 47 residents