London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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(b) New Premises:—The Public Health Department
was removed from the Town Hall, to 20, Queen's Road. The
Dental Clinic was removed from Southey Hall, to 58, Pelham
Road (v. Report of the School Medical Officer).
New Day Nursery:—Sketch plans have been submitted
to the Ministry of Health for approval.
(c) New Committees:—In November 1926, the work of
the Public Health Department was placed under
1.—The Public Health Committee, dealing with the
general health conditions of the area, the sanitary
conditions, and with the Isolation Hospital;
2.—The Maternity and Child Welfare Committee, dealing
with the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts,
the medical inspection and treatment of School
Children, the Day Nursery, etc.
(d) New Acts and Regulations:—
1.—Public Health Act, 1925;
2.—Housing Act, 1925;
3.—Surrey County Council Act, 1925, Section 53,-—
inspection of Maternity Homes. The duty of inspecting
Maternity Homes, registered under this
Act, in the Borough of Wimbledon, is placed on
the local Medical Officer of Health. There are
six Registered Maternity Homes in the area.
Surrey County Council Act, 1925, Section 72,—
Registration of Employment Agencies. Mr. Johnson,
Chief Sanitary Inspector, was appointed Inspector
for this Section in Wimbledon.
4.—The Public Health (Notification of Puerperal Fever
and Puerperal Pyrexia) Regulations, 1926. The
Committee has arranged for the provision of consultant
specialists and hospital treatment as recommended
in these regulations.
5.—The Public Health (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
The Committee has arranged for notification,
treatment and hospital treatment of such cases.
6.—The Public Health (Prevention of Tuberculosis)
Regulations, 1925.
7.—Milk and Dairies Orders, 1926.