London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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(h) Dental Defects.—

Inspection at schools. RequiringChildren actually treatedFillingsExtractionsGeneral AnaestheticsOther Opera-ations
InspectedTreatmentPer cent.
6.4353.67157.07.3859.2831 9,6775.0398.475

(i) Heart Disease and Rheumatism.—The findings were as follows:—

Heart Disease—Organic77

(j) Tuberculosis.—All children suspected of either pulmonary
or other tuberculosis are referred to the Chest Physician for final

The notifications of tuberculosis in the age group 5-15 years have been as follows:—


(k) Other Defects and Diseases.—The following shows the number of various other defects which were found to require treatment:—

Enlarged Glands15Epilepsy13
Bronchitis37Other Defects124

The School Nurses paid a total of 1,007 home visits during

8. ARRANGEMENTS FOR TREATMENT (a) Tonics.—The following shows the quantities of tonics issued during 1954:-—

Cod Liver OilParrish's FoodSyrup Lacto PhosphateCod Liver Oil and MaltCod Liver Oil and Malt and Parrish's FoodEmulsion
30 lbs.312 lbs.18½ lbs.719 lbs.1,041 lbs.41 lbs.

(b) Uncleanliness.—Treatment with Suleo was carried Out with
satisfactory results, and advice and treatment is available at all
clinics and welfares. Steel combs are supplied at the various centres
at cost price, and on loan in cases of necessity. Special treatment
is available at the Hackney Borough Council's Cleansing Centre.
(c) Minor Ailments and Diseases of the Skin.—Treatment of
minor ailments is carried out at the seven sessions of the school
clinics, all of which are in charge of a medical officer. The number