London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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Number of cases seen by Surgeon:—
From Physically Defective School 36
From other Schools 242
Under School age 166
Over School age 36
Total 480
New cases seen by Surgeon:—
School age 78
Under School age 60
Total 138
Total examinations made by the Surgeon 618
Total number of cases discharged by the Surgeon 148
Average number of examinations per session 56.2
Number of treatments given 2,081
Number of attendances for after-care 2,263
Number of ultra-violet light treatments 2,23 3
Total number of treatments 6,577
Average number of attendances per session 14.9
Number of sessions held:—
Inspections 11
Treatment 441
Total number of visits by instrument maker 6
Admissions to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children 9
Admissions to Black Notley 4
Operations performed 15
Defects seen at Orthopaedic Clinic in Children under 5 years of age:—
Anterior Poliomyelitis 6
Scoliosis, Lordosis, Kyphosis 7
(a) Genu Varum 24
(b) Genu Valgum 55
Pes Piano Valgus 65
Progressive Muscular Atrophy 1
Spastic Paralysis 4
(a) Equino Varus 7
(b) Calcaneo Valgus 24
(c) Pes Cavus 1
Torticollis 17
Cerebellar Ataxia 1
Spina Bifida 1
Achondroplasia 1
Digitus Varus 2
Congenital Defects 13
Miscellaneous 6
Total 235
(v) School for the Educationally Sub-Normal.—Miss R. E.
A. Lock, Head Teacher of the School for Educationally Sub-Normal
Children, reports as follows:—
The number of children on the School Roll is now 73; 26
girls and 47 boys.