London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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The following table gives comparative figures for the past two years

Average number of visits to schools56
Total examinations3389924434
Number of individual children found unclean609595
Percentage uncleanliness of average at tendance6.38.8

Cases or chronic uncleanliness are follow up in the home .

(c) Minor Ailments and Skin Defects The following is the number of skin defects found to require treatment -

Ringworm - Head23
Other skin diseases451220

(d) Visual Defects and External Eye Diseases The number of patients requiring treatment and observation was as follows :-

Treat ment.Obser-vationTreat ment.Obser vation
Visual defects2154218278
External Eye Dis:7241534

(e) Nose and Throat Defects:- The number of patients requiring treatment and observation was as follows :-

Treat ment.Obse r vationTrea t me nt.Cbser vation
Chronic Tonsillitis256225135236
Adenoids only43157
Chronic Tonsillitis & Adenoids41212114
Other conditions29490167-

The 294 oases of other conditions are made up of sore throats
and defects requiring diastello treatment.

(f) Ear Disease and Defective Hearing : - I'atients requiring treatment -

Defective Hearing2811
Otitis Media7517
Other Ear Disease1147

(g) Orthopaedic & Postural Defects - A total of 175 deformities vva-5
found to require treatment"

(h) Dental Defects

Inspec -tion.Requiring Treatment.Per CentActually Trea terl.Fill ingsExtract ions.Gene ral Ana esth etics.Other Oper-a tions
1942 7730585175.632105670396222,131527
1941 7542523069.323824361294713481686

Reference to dental inspection and treatm nt at Scoondary
and Technical Sc'ools ir made in Section 15.