London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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Ages.Total Inspected .No. Offered Treatment.% requiring Treatment.
South West Essex Technical College Girls292911444651930025284
Sir Geo. Monoux Grammar School Boys62758997816747135475.3


No. of Children.Attendances.Extractions.Anaesthetics.Fillings.Other Operations
Temp. Teeth.Perm. Teeth.LocalGeneral.Perm. Teeth.Perm. Teeth.
Technical College for Boys7813482332416531
Commercial School for Girls55150324112316428
High School for Girls88173263413519236
Sir George Monoux Grammar School for Boys179344187746237831
South West Essex Technical College for Boys38-2-19-
for Girls1616323

Mr. L. W. Elmer, L.D.S., Senior Dental Surgeon, reports as
"Last year, 1937, saw the appointment of a further dental
surgeon and a dental attendant, thus bringing the staff numerically
into line with the Board of Education's recommendation, assuming
the usual number of acceptances of treatment.
"Unfortunately, owing to sickness and the hiatus between the
resignation of Miss Hathorn and the appointment of Mr. Gilbert,
it has only been possible to give treatment on 200 extra sessions.