London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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The advisability of installing separate flushing cisterns instead
of the present automatic flushing at some schools which have separate
pedestals is more difficult to decide. The advantages of the separate
flush are the probable economy of water and the inculcation of
hygienic habits. The advantages of the automatic flush are easier
maintenance and smaller liability to freeze. Most Head Teachers
of Infants' Departments appear to prefer the automatic system.
The following is a list of the alterations and repairs which have
been reported to your Committee as having been effected during
Higham Hill Infants' School.—Taking down wall at entrance
gate and putting length of iron railings to give view of traffic in
Higham Hill Junior School.- Removal of division railings in
Edinburgh Road School.—Removal of old automatic flush W.C.'s
and providing new and larger pans with separate flushing cisterns.
Making good and re-covering flat roofs.
Markhouse Road School.—Extension of iron railings to separate
Junior Boys' School out-offices from Infants' playground. Provision
of Art Room and Staff Room in Boys' Department. Out-office
extension at the Junior Department. Removal of solid galleries
in Boys' Department .
Gamuel Road School.-Provision of bath cubicle and spray
bath in Boys' Department, and a Staff W.C. and a roof to outoffices
in the Girls' Department. Removal of all decayed turrets.
Wood Street School.—Improvements to heating apparatus in the
Girls' Department.
Blackhorse Road School.-Provision of wall bench with drawers
and cupboards in Science Room in Girls' Department.
Marsh Street Boys.—Provision of Science room.
Pretoria Avenue School.—Providing Lantern Light room.
Modernising W.C.'s at Girls' Department. Provision of new
radiators and connecting to existing system to give additional
heat in corridor in the Infants' Department.