London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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(6) Bye-laws relating to Houses, to Houses let in Lodgings,
and to Tents, Vans, Sheds, etc.
The Bye-laws relating to Houses let in Lodgings were made
in 1883 and require revision.
The Bye-laws relating to Tents, Vans, Sheds, etc., are of more
recent date and have been enforced but are found in practice to be
inadequate to meet the needs of the district.
The present Bye-laws provide for W.C. accommodation to the
extent of one W.C. for every 12 persons, "if not otherwise provided."
These last four words, if omitted from the Bye-law, would make it
so definite that W.C. accommodation must be specially provided.
The provision of W.C. accommodation "within 150 feet," if
omitted from the Bye-laws, would make it definite that accommodation
must be provided on the site. As it is, Van-dwellers can draw
on to a site and use the W.C. accommodation provided at any house
(by arrangement with the occupier) situated within 150 feet of the
site. It is thus made easy for van-dwellers to pitch almost anywhere
they choose.
A prosecution was, however, successfully sustained during the
year in the Summary Jurisdiction Court on the question of W.C.
accommodation, but it does not follow that success may always
attend the arguments of the prosecution.
Inspection and Supervision of Food.
(a) Milk Supply.
The average number of cows kept in the district was 14. The cowsheds
numbered two and 23 visits were paid by the Sanitary Inspectors
in addition to special visits paid by your Senior Sanitary Inspector.
The number of retail purveyors of milk is 155, most of whom
carry on a general shop and sell milk in bottles as they receive it.
Two hundred and forty-nine visits were paid to the registered
premises of purveyors of milk during the year and there was a general
improvement in the standard of cleanliness observed.
During the year 22 samples of Graded Milk and four samples of
Ice Cream were submitted for Bacteriological Analysis. Of the 22
samples of Graded Milk 15 were submitted to tests for Tubercle
Bacilli and in no case was the Bacillus demonstrated. In three