London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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In addition 13 single cases were notified and in 9 of these the organism
of Salmonella Typhi- murium was identified as the cause.
Investigation of 9 other suspected cases was also made during the
(ix) Bakehouses.— There are 24 bakehouses in the district, all of
which use motive power, 394 inspections of bakehouses were carried out
during the year.
It was necessary to call upon the occupiers of bakehouses to carry out
cleansing and other work in 7 instances, and the requests were complied
with in all cases.
(x) Merchandise Marks Act 1926.—One contravention of this Act
was reported during 1957—failure by a retailer to display a show ticket
bearing the indication of origin of imported raw tomatoes. A warning
letter was sent to the retailer.
Diseases of Animals Act, 1950.
(i) The Prohibition of Landing of Animals, Carcases and Animal
Products, and Hay and Straw from the Channel Islands Order and
No. 2 Order 1957.
These Orders prohibited the landing in Great Britain of animals,
carcases and animal products, and hay and straw brought from the
Channel Islands.
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food later revoked the
Orders as no further outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease occurred in
the Islands.
(ii) The Importation of Horses, Asses and Mules Order 1957.
This Order re-enacted and amended the Order of 1938 regarding the
import and export of sporting and show horses.
(iii) The Diseases of Animals (Waste Foods) Order 1957.
This Order transferred the powers relating to the licensing of waste
food boiling and collecting to Local Authorities, including Ilford.
One application for a licence to convey and treat waste food collected
within the Borough was received. The boiling plant was satisfactory
and a licence was issued as and from 1st June 1957.
(iv) The Live Poultry (Restrictions) Order 1957.
This Order revoked and re-enacted the Live Poultry (Restrictions)
Order 1954. by making certain alterations regarding restrictions on the
movement of poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs, the licensing of
exhibitions of poultry and of the holding of sales.
(v) Anthrax Order 1938.
On 21st October 1957 a Veterinary Inspector reported that a pig had
died at a Hospital farm in the Borough under circumstances which suggested
the presence of anthrax. Notification was immediately given to the Animal
Health Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food and the
requisite form A Notice served on the Hospital Management Committee.
The Ministry's Veterinary Inspector visited the premises, examined the
carcase and took blood samples therefrom.
On 23rd October notification was received that the examination had
given negative results and releasing the premises from the Anthrax Order
of 1938.
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949.—The Council has
appointed a whole-time Rodent Operative, who commenced his duties on
1st January, 1951. Where infestation has been ascertained on inspection
the services of the Rodent Operative are made available to secure effectivt