London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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1. (i) Public Health Officers of the Authority.—Vide list at the
beginning of this report.
(ii) Home Nursing.—This service is administered by the Essex County
Council. A report of the work performed during 1952 will be found in
Part III Services section.
(iii) Laboratory Facilities.—Pathological specimens are now sent to
the Bacteriological Laboratory, Oldchurch Hospital, Romford, for examination.
(iv) Byelaws exist for:—
Prevention of Nuisances.
Cleansing of footways and pavements, and cleansing of earth
closets, privies, ashpits and cesspools.
Dealing with common lodging houses and houses let in
Houses let in lodgings or occupied by members of more than
one family. (Sec. 84, Ilford Act, 1937.)
Slaughterhouses and humane slaughtering of animals.
Pleasure Fairs. (Sec. 128, Ilford Act, 1937.)
Tipping of Dust, Spoil and Refuse. (Sec. 85, Ilford Act. 1937.)
For securing the cleanliness and freedom from pollution of
tanks, cisterns and other receptacles used for storing water
used or likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic
purposes, or for manufacturing drink for the use of man.
Nuisances in connection with the removal of offensive or
noxious matter.
Depositing of Rubbish, etc. (Sec. 249, Local Government
Act, 1933.)
Essex County Council Act, 1933.
Part IV.—Establishments for Massage and Special Treatment.
Inspections of licensed establishments are carried out quarterly.
During 1952 twenty-five applications for renewal of licences
were received The Council renewed the licences in respect
of these establishments. Two new applications were received,
which were granted. The licences expire on 31st March of
each year.
Part VI.—Hairdressers' and Barbers' Premises. During 1952, 33
visits of inspection were made by the Sanitary Inspectors to
these premises.
Part IX.—Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings.
Shops Act 1950 (Section 38). Since this Act came into operation the
Sanitary Inspectors have made inspections in accordance with
Section 38.
During the year 168 inspections were made, 5 Preliminary
Notices were served, 3 of which were complied with.
No Certificates of Exemption from the provisions of Section
38 were granted in 1952.
There are three local Acts in operation—(1) The Ilford
Improvement Act. 1898. which has important sanitary provisions:
(2) The Ilford Urban District Council Act, 1904. the
Section which deals with the control of tuberculosis is
repealed, the powers of the Corporation now being contained
in the Food and Drugs Act, 1938; and (3) The Ilford Corporation
Act, 1937.