London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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will become operative in 1948—and the result of the Council's present
application for County Borough Powers. Under the Act. apart from
functions connected with environmental hygiene, the only direct control
of Health Services which may be permitted to Municipal Boroughs is
that concerned with the care of children under 5 years of age. This may
be delegated by the major authority, i.e., the County Council. On the
other hand. County Boroughs will have direct representation on the
Executive Councils controlling the General Practitioner services. They
will also have a voice in the selection of the Regional Hospital Boards
which will administer all non-teaching Hospital and Consultant services
(including locally the Isolation Hospital and the Maternity
Homes) and in the appointment of the Board of Governors of the
teaching Hospitals of their particular Region. They will be additionally
responsible for the administration of their Local Government and
Domiciliary Services, including maternity and child welfare, midwifery,
health visiting, home nursing, local mental health services, vaccination,
immunisation, ambulance services, care and after-care of the sick,
domestic help, and health centres.
Whatever the outcome of the Council's application and whatever
administrative machinery ultimately becomes operative, there will still
be need for the pursuance of a vigorous policy to maintain and further
the improvement of the local publie health. In particular, when
building conditions permit, there is urgent necessity for an early
extension of the present Maternity Home and for the establishment of
an adequate number of multi-service clinics to serve the various needs
of the Town. Owing to existing difficulties of accommodation and
staffing there is insufficient provision of institutional accommodation
for the local chronic sick, especially aged invalids. It is hoped that
when conditions permit adequate provision will be made for this type
of case.
I would place on record my appreciation of the work performed
and the loyal support which has been accorded to me by members of all
sections of the Public Health Department during my tenure of office
in an acting capacity and since my permanent appointment as Medical
Officer of Health. In welcoming back those who have so far returned from
service with H.M. Forces. I record with profound sorrow the loss of five
who gave their lives in the service of their country.
I would also mention the kind co-operation and assistance received
from the officers and members of other Departments of the Corporation.
To them, and to the voluntary helpers who have assisted in the work
of the various clinics, I express my sincere gratitude.
To the members of the Council generally, and particularly to the
Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, and members of the various Committees with
which the work of the Department is especially concerned, may I offer
my grateful thanks for their co-operation and support throughout the
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.