London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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The percentages for the past 5 years were as follows:—
1935 2.3
1936 2.3
1937 1.7
1938 1.5
1939 1.5
(t) Other Ailments.-—During the past year 43 children have
been operated on for the removal of enlarged tonsils and adenoids,
under the agreement with Queen Mary's Hospital, Stratford, 25
as in-patients. 6 children were treated free on necessitous grounds.
Under the agreement with the King George Hospital, 29 children
were operated on at that Hospital, 21 as in-patients, for the
removal of enlarged tonsils and adenoids, 5 children being treated
free on necessitous grounds.
In addition to the treatment of tonsils and adenoids, 38 letters
were given to Ilf3ord school children, for whom hospital treatment
was required, to attend Queen Mary's Hospital.
8. Open-air School.—During 1939,39 children were admitted,
40 ceased attendance, and on the 26th July, 1939, 109 children
were on the school roll. The School was closed on the outbreak of
Those admitted were recommended for examination from the
following sources :—
School Medical Officer 34
Tuberculosis Officer 1
Rheumatism Clinic 1
Others 3
46 of the children discharged since the opening of the school
were re-examined at their ordinary schools during 1939, and 42
were found to have maintained their improvement in health, but in
4 cases there was no improvement in health ; in one case the child
was certified " feeble-minded " and recommended admission to
special Residential School; in another case the child is suffering
from pulmonary fibrosis and is not likely to improve ; in the third
case the child is suffering from asthma, and has had treatment at
Convalescent Home and Hospital; and in the last case the child
suffers from bronchitis and asthma, and has had Convalescent
Home and Hospital treatment.