London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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At the Mayesbrook Clinic 42 children of school age were treated,
18 of these being new cases. The 42 children made 705 attendances
for treatment.
The lamp used in each case is a mercury vapour one, the whole
of the body surface being exposed, commencing with a minimum of
one minute and reaching a maximum of ten minutes' exposure.
Of the 42 cases treated at the Mayesbrook Clinic, 15 were
Open Air school children.
At Valentines Clinic, 14 children of school age were discharged
from the Artificial Sunlight Clinic, 1 case being cured, 6 cases
showing considerable improvement, 3 having left school and in 4
cases the treatment was discontinued by the parent.
14 children were still receiving treatment at the end of the
At Mayesbrook Clinic, 18 children of school age were
discharged from the Artificial Sunlight Clinic, 13 cases showing
considerable improvement, 2 having left the district and in 3 cases
the treatment was discontinued by the parent.
(e) Aural Clinic.
The Aural Clinic was held at Valentines Mansion, the Surgeon
attending on one afternoon weekly until 31st August.
37 sessions were held during 1939 and 803 attendances were
made by 337 children of school age, of whom 193 were new cases.
The following table shows the work of the Clinic :—