London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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In 1936, under the arrangements mentioned in the 1935
Report, 20 private doctors were supplied with prophylactic for the
immunisation of 61 children (27 under 5 years and 34 over 5 years
of age). The following is a brief summary:—
1935 Cases:
Final Schick Test in 1936 (all negative) 30
No final Schick Test, left district etc. 5
1936 Cases:
Numbers inoculated (full course) by medical practitioners 51
Final Schick Test (all negative) 36
No final Schick Test, left district, etc. 4
Forms not yet returned 10
To be Schick Tested in 1937 11
(d) Enteric Fever.—17 cases were notified in 1936 as compared
with 15 in 1935; 6 in 1934; 19 in 1933; 21 in 1932; 8 in 1931;
11 in 1930; 12 in 1929; 30 in 1928; 11 in 1927; 6 in 1926. 1 of
the cases occurred at Claybury Mental Hospital.
Fifteen cases were admitted to the Ilford Isolation Hospital.
Three cases were not confirmed bacteriologically. Of the remaining
12 cases, in 2 the infecting organism was B. Typhosus and in
10 the Bacillus Para-typhosus B. The source of infection was not
traced in any of the cases. The above patients recovered. One
death from Typhoid fever, however, occurred in the Port of
London Hospital, Gravesend, of a man in the Merchant Service,
whose residence was in Ilford.
One case was nursed at home; bacteriologically this case was
not confirmed.
(e) Cerebro-Spinal Fever.—One notification of this disease
was received during the year. Meningococci were found in the
cerebro-spinal fluid. The child, aged 2 years, died in the King
George Hospital.