London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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the age of 16 years known to me, of whom 17 are attending public
elementary schools in the district, 1 is in a Convent, 1 is at Oldchurch
Hospital, 1 is at Rob Roy Cripple Home, Margate, 1 is
attending the Essex Voluntary Association Centre at Goodmayes,
16 are in residential schools, and 28 are not at school (21 being
over 14 years of age).
All mentally defective children are visited at home by the
School Nurses at least once a quarter.
In addition to these, there are 2 mentally defective (feebleminded)
children under the age of 16 years at Dr. Barnardo's Girls'
Village Home, but not in attendance at Mossford School.
All mentally defective children of school age, not in institutions,
are examined as to their intelligence quotient each year by the
Assistant Medical Officers. 17 children were thus examined during
18, 19, 20. Nursery Schools, Secondary and Continuation
Schools.—Fide Annual Report, 1920.
21. Employment of School Children and Young Persons.
—From special enquiries made at the various schools during the
latter end of 1930, it was found that 102 children were employed
out of school hours. 2 children were submitted to me for medical
examination under Section III, paragraph 4, of the Byelaws under
the Provisions of Employment of Children Act, 1903, with the
following result:—
Medically fit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2