London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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during the year, a proposal being made that the whole of the
work of the collection and disposal of house refuse and
street sweepings, and the watering of the streets, should be
performed by the Board without the intervention of a
Contractor, but after giving every consideration to the
matter your Board decided to make no alteration in
the present system. A re-arrangement of the staff and
the work was, however, made, the 28 street orderly
boys being discharged, and their places filled by 12
additional men. The staff now employed number 50,
consisting of one foreman, five gangers, and 44 sweepers.
Your Board also appointed a new Inspector, whose sole
duty it is to direct the cleansing and watering of the
In addition to the manual labour employed, two
sweeping machines, drawn by horses, were used in
sweeping the carriage-ways.
The street sweepings carried away during the year
amounted to a total of 6,363 van-loads, equal to over
19,000 cubic yards. There were also removed 1,634 vanloads
of refuse matter taken from the gully pits, &c., and
23 van-loads from the sewers, together amounting to
over 5,000 yards.
The carriage-ways of the main thoroughfares were
washed frequently during the year by means of water
distributed by watering carts. The cost of this washing
is included in the two items of cost for street cleansing and
street watering given hereafter.
The main thoroughfares in the District were watered
twice on Sundays during the summer months, between the