London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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The Factory and Workshop Act 1895, 58 & 59 Vict.,
cap. 37, sect. 27, sub-sect. 3, enacts, "A place underground
shall not be used as a bakehouse unless it is so used at the
commencement of this Act (1st January, 1896), and if any
place is so used in contravention of this Act it shall be
deemed to be a workshop not kept in conformity with the
principal Act."
By order of your Board the disinfectants used for the
following purposes are:—
1. Chloride of Lime, for disinfecting the soil and refuse
matter removed from the catch-pit gullies and sewers and
house drains.
2. Carbolic Acid, for disinfecting urinals.
3. Carbolic Acid Powder, for deodorising dust-bins.
4. Sanitas Powder and Fluid, for use in the mortuary
and post-mortem room.
5. Permanganate of Potash, in street-watering and
flushing of courts and alleys.
6. Perchloride of Mercury, for the disinfection of drains,
sewers, and gully-pits. A mixture of this is made in the
proportions of—
Perchloride of Mercury 8 ounces (3,500 grains).
Methylated spirit 2 pints.
Aniline (green) half an ounce.
Water to make 50 gallons.