London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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18 8 1.
Birth and Death-rate, &c., for London 47
Area, Density, and Population in St. Giles District 49
Marriages and Marriage-rate in ditto 50
Births and Birth-rate in ditto 51
Deaths and Death-rate in ditto and Deaths of Parishioners in Public Institutions out
of the District 52-3
Deaths of Infants and Young Children 54
Deaths of Old People 54
Uncertified Deaths 55
The Infants' Home 55
The British Lying-in Hospital 55
The Bloomsbury Dispensary 56
The Workhouse 56
Inquests 57
Mortality from the Principal Zymotic Diseases 58
Small Pox, and Tabulated Summary of Cases, Epidemics, 1871-2, and 1876—81 59
Measles, Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Diarrhoea, Fever 60
Hospitals' Commission 62
An Outbreak of Scarlet Fever 64
Sanitary Work 67
Legal Proceedings 68
Overcrowding 68
Underground Dwellings 68
Common Lodging Houses 68
Inspection of Unwholesome Meat, &c. 68
Animals kept to be a nuisance 69
Slaughter-houses 69
Cow-houses 70
Bakehouses 71
Bag and Bone Shops 71
Table I.—Estimated Population, 1881—number of Houses, Births, Deaths, and
Marriages 72
Table II.—Birth and Death-rate of Children, and Deaths in Public Institutions 73
Table III.—Deaths Begistered from all Causes in 1881 74
Table IV.—Showing Mortality from certain Classes of Diseases 76
Table V.—Showing Deaths in the Ten Years from the Seven Principal Zymotic
Diseases 77
Table VI.—Report of the Sanitary Work 78
Table VII.—Disinfecting Chamber 79
Table VIII.—Food Condemned 79
Table IX.—Registered Births and Deaths in 1881 80
Table X.—The Marriage, Birth, and Death-rate in St. Giles, from 1858—1881 81
Table XI.—Return respecting Vaccination 82
Table XII.—List of Common Lodging Houses 83