London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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Nuisances Removal Acts.
Active proceedings under these Acts have been rendered
necessary in this District, owing to the prevalence of disease
in the miserable dwellings on the site of the Little Coram
Street area.
During the year 53 Summonses have been heard and
adjudicated on by the Magistrates, and Orders have been
made in 26 cases for the entire closing of such dwellings.
In the other cases the Orders have been either complied
with by the owners of the premises wherein the nuisances
existed, or they have been carried out by the Board at the
cost of such owners.
Water Supply.
These burdensome Taxes still continue.
The Speech from the Throne, at the opening of the
present Session of Parliament, announced a Bill to amend
the Law relating to the water supply would be dealt with
this Session, but owing to the Irish disturbances it has not
been brought in.