London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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The following table shows comparative figures of notified cases and deaths for the years 1955 to 1964 (inclusive):-

YearCases NotifiedDeaths
RespiratoryNon-Res- piratoryTotalRespiratoryNon-RespiratoryTotal

The efficiency of notification has been good and there is no reason
to suspect refusal or neglect.
Throughout the year no action became necessary under the Public
Health (Prevention of Tuberculosis) Regulations 1925, or Section 172 of
the Public Health Act, 1936. These regulations respectively relate to
the restriction of tuberculosis sufferers from employment in the handling
of milk, and the compulsory removal to hospital in certain circumstances
of persons suffering from tuberculosis.
Considerable help is given to tuberculosis and other chest disease
patients and their dependants by the Kingston and District Care Committee
for Tuberculosis and Other Chest Diseases.
During 1964, 104 families within the area covered by the Committee
were helped in the form of grants for extra nourishment, clothing, fuel,
removals, bedding,, fares, pocket-money, etc., end a total of £2,468. was
expended from the funds of the Committee on this work.
An analysis of the total notified cases during 1964 in age groups
is shown on the next page, and the following graph depicts the numbers
of new cases and deaths in respect of respiratory tuberculosis occurring
for the past 15 years.