London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Ham 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Ham]

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During the year 150 inspections have been made, including 100 factories50
bakehouses, and 124 out-workers. The Inspectors' attention is
chiefly devoted to the ventilation of workrooms and workshops, also
to sanitary appliances and accommodation. The Chief Factory Inspector
has on 19 occasions informed us of irregularities in factories or
workshops discovered by the Home Office Inspectors when discharging
their duties and the Chief Factory Inspector has been
informed of anything discovered by our Inspectors that came
within his province to deal with.
There are 11 registered cowsheds, 198 registered dairies, and
13 slaughterhouses in the Borough. During the year, 214 inspections
have been made. The premises are usually found in a satisfactory
condition. The provisions of the dairies and cowsheds
regulations have been complied with. In dairies the principal cause
of trouble is dirty utensils, whilst in cowsheds it is the dirty surroundings,
which frequently include the milker; but in reviewing
past years it is gratifying to note that there has been a decided
improvement in cleanliness and purity of the milk supplied, but
there yet remains much to be done.
The markets have been regularly inspected and on 17 occasions
the Inspectors have discovered food exposed for sale in such
a condition as to justify them calling upon the responsible person
to have it removed and not used for the food of man. Consignments
of unsound food have been surrendered for condemnation
as follows:—
Fish 27 trunks.
Winkles 1½ cwts.
Meat 48 stones.
Bacon 95 lbs.
Corned Beef 28 tins.
Rabbits 237
Chickens 26
Ox Tongue 1 tin.
Sardines 10 tins.
Condensed Milk 393 tins.
Pears 4 barrels.
Plums 17 pkts.
Bread 1 loaf.
127 certificates have been given indicating the condition of
the food when submitted for examination. Care is exercised
when issuing a certificate to ascertain essential facts,