London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Harrow 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Harrow]

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Of these cases in which the diagnosis was not confirmed, 6 suffered
from tonsillitis and 5 from food or drug rashes.
There were no deaths.
Of the 110 patients admitted who were considered to be suffering
from scarlet fever, serum alone was given in 23 cases, prontosil alone in
21 cases and both serum and prontosil in 37 cases. 29 cases were given
Complications :
22 per cent, of the scarlet fever patients suffered from some complication.
The number who suffered from otorrhoea was 4, from septic sores 7,
from adenitis 7, from rhinorrhoea 2 and from rheumatism, secondary
sore throat, relapse, abscess and endocarditis, 1 each.
Cross Infection :
No patients developed other infections during their stay in hospital.
Return Cases :
There were no return cases this year.
Period of Stay :
61 per cent, of patients returned home on or before the twenty-first
day from admission. 24 per cent, were in until the twenty-eighth day
or longer, most of them being detained for some minor abnormality.
Admissions :
Number of cases admitted on a diagnosis of diphtheria, 12.
Number of cases clinically diphtheria, 5.
Number of positive swab carriers, 1.
Of the 6 cases in which the diagnosis was not confirmed, all were
suffering from tonsillitis.
There were no deaths from diphtheria.
The heart musculature was involved in 1 case, while all the 5
cases had albuminuria on admission.