London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington]

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I now proceed to make a few observations with regard to
each of these diseases.
Two cases were recorded in Kensington; the first was a
"sister," who contracted the disease in France, and the second
was a probationer in the same Home. In London the disease
was at low ebb, only five cases having been received at the
hospital ships of the Metropolitan Asylums Board. One death
only, and that one marked " doubtful," was recorded, the numbers
in the three preceding years respectively having been 24, 9 and 9.
The corrected annual average deaths, 1879-88, were 713. The
mortality from small-pox in the four years last past has been less
—not merely relatively to population, but absolutely—than in any
previous years since the present system of civil registration
began; the years which most nearly approach the figures above
given being 1875 (46 deaths), 1874 (57 deaths), 1873 (113
deaths), and 1883 (136 deaths). The mean annual mortality
from this disease in the decennium 1879-88 was 0T7 per 1000
persons living, and lower than in any previous decennium. I
have no doubt that the diminution in small-pox mortality in the
Metropolis during the last three years was largely due to the
perfected system of removal of the sick direct from their homes
to the hospital ships, situated as these are outside the London
Registration District—a system which was initiated upon my
recommendation, made to the Asylums Board and the Local
Government Board in 1881.
The deaths from this disease in 1889 were 14 (1 only in
Brompton), against 56, 108 and 124 respectively in the three
preceding years, being 65 below the corrected decennial average.
All of the deaths occurred under five years of age, including 5 under
one year. Of this disease I had to say, in my Annual Report for
1888, that it was more or less prevalent throughout the year
seeing that it appeared as a cause of death in all but one of my