London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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Individual Unfit Houses.
Twenty-five houses (compared with 17 in 1954) were represented by me during
the year as being unfit for human habitation and incapable of being made fit at
reasonable expense. Formal notices were served on the owners under the provisions
of the Housing Acts to secure the demolition or closure of these houses, and
the Council subsequently made Closing Orders in respect of the following 18 houses,
and Demolition Orders in respect of the remaining seven houses :—
Closing Orders : 180, Plumstead High Street
61, Kirkham Street
69, Kirkham Street
16, Gavin Street
127, Abbey Wood Road
21, Morris Walk
22, Morris Walk
57, Prospect Vale
1, Morris Placc
42, Raglan Road
20, Wilmount Street
21, Merchland Road
99, Prospect Vale
25, Glenside Road
21, Church Hill
20, Woolwich Church Street
12, Brookhill Road
128, Ann Street.
Demolition Orders : 29, Marshall's Grove
30, do., do.
31, do., do.
83, McLcod Road
59, Beresford Street
15, Woolwich High Street
242, Woolwich Church Street.
A further seven individual unfit houses had been represented to the Council
at the end of the year, for demolition or closure.
During the year the Council made Closing Orders in respect of unfit rooms at
a further eleven premises. The following are details of the parts of houses closed
by the Council during the year :—
75, Eltham Road
29, Majendie Road
26, Reidhaven Road
118, Rectory Place
12, Woolwich Common ..
26a, Passey Place
17, Fennell Street
11, Saunders Road
31, Woolwich Common ..
118, Woodhill
11, Passey Place
First floor front, middle and back rooms
Basement back room and basement scullery.
Basement front and back-addition rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement front and back rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement rooms.
Basement front and back and basement
scullerv rooms.
During the year the Council determined a Closing Order made in 1937 in respect
of the basement rooms at 17, Milward Street, on being satisfied that these rooms
had been made fit for habitation. A Closing Order in respect of 40, Samuel Street
was also determined on the satisfactory completion of works by the owner to make
the house fit.
During the year I represented to the Council that the dwelling house 139, Eglinton
Road was unfit for human habitation but capable of being made fit at reasonable
expense. Notices under Section 9 of the Housing Act, 1936 were served, and
subsequently the Council, in default of the owner, made these premises again fit
for habitation.
Improvement Grants.
The number of inspections under the Housing Act, 1949, relating to applications
for Improvement Grants, considerably increased during the year and totalled 222.