London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1927

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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Employees of the Royal Arsenal are not allowed to remain
at work unless cases are removed to hospital or a certificate
of efficient home isolation is issued by the Medical Officer
of Health. During the year one such certificate was issued.
Dick Test. This has not been employed in the area so
far as I am aware.
Notification. During the year 278 cases of diphtheria
were notified, compared with 393 in 1926 and 299 in 1925.
The case rates for the various registration districts in the
Borough are given in detail in Table No. 46. The number
of notifications received each quarter was as follows:—
First quarter 84 Third quarter 50
Second quarter 56 Fourth quarter 88
Deaths. There were ten deaths, five occurring in school
children, four in those under school age, and one in an adult.
Return Cases. There were two return cases amongst
those isolated in hospital.
Multiple Cases. The following Table shows the house
distribution by wards. The term "house" is synonymous
with the term "family," except in nine instances where two
families were involved.