London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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Lodging Houses - Seamen's.
There are 4 such premises in the Borough providing accomodation
for 356 seamen, as follows:-
The Sailors' Home & Red Ensign Club,
Ensign Street and Dock Street
The Empire Memorial Hostel, 747 Commercial Road
5, North East Passage
9, Ensign Street
243 seamen
80 „
11 „
22 „
Readaptation of the Empire Memorial Hostel took place during the
year, and the accommodation for seamen was reduced from 190 to 80.
The premises 220, Cable Street, were removed from the register, as
they ceased to be used as a Seamen's Lodging House following the death of
the owner.
Lodging Houses - Other.
In addition to the licensed Common and Seamen's Lodging Houses,
there are two other premises in the Borough which are not subject to
licensing or registration, viz. Rowton House and Providence Row Night
Refuge. Rowton House, in Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, which was opened
in 1902, supplies accommodation for 796 men, and Providence Row Night
Refuge provides for 135 men, women and children.
Notices Served.

Notices served during the year under the various Acts and Byelaws were as follows:-

Intimation Notices.Statutorv Notices
Public Health (London) Act, 1936-
Section 82 (Nuisances)1,794488
Section 403615
Section 10591
Section 1082-
Section 10965
Factories Acts, 1937 & 194831-
Clean Air Act, 19561-
Metropolis Management Act, 18551-
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1955- Stopped up Drains, etc.-155
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1954 - Dustbins536
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949, Section4-27
London County Council (Water Closet) Byelaws4-
London County Council (Poultry Slaughterhouses)Byelaws4-
Stepney Council (Hairdressers) Byelaws43
Stepney Council (Staircase Lighting) Byelaws2111