London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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The number of primary notifications of pulmonary
tuberculosis received was 173 as compared with 160 last
year, and the number of non-pulmonary cases was 16 the same
as last year. The mortality rate for the year of pulmonary
tuberculosis is 46 and of non-pulmonary 3 Per 100,000 population,
as compared with 50. and 6 respectively in 1950.
See details of register on page 64.
Public Health (prevention Tuberculosis) Regulations,
These regulations provide that persons suffering from
tuberculosis of the respiratory tract shall not be employed
in the handling of,milk or milk receptacles. Power is
given to the Council to cause such-persons to discontinue
their employment. It was not found necessary to take
action under the regulations during the year.
Tuberculosis Care Committee.
The Tuberculosis Care Committeemen which are represented
voluntary and official bodies, and whose meetings are
attended by the Medical Officer of Health, continues to
supply help to tuberculous persons and their relatives who
require assistance which cannot be obtained from official
sources, or where urgency or special circumstances indicate
that the voluntary sources of the Care Committee are
Six meetings were held during the year at which 172
cases were considered and help given to 118. Clothing was
given to 27, extra nourishment to 7and help to others
included the provision of convalescehce and holiday expenses,
beds, bedding, rent, coal and wireless licences,
besides fares to to relatives to visit sanatoria. The
annual Christmas Seal Sale Fund amounted to £289.
Mass X-rav Survey.
A mobile Mass X-ray Unit of the Regional Hospital
Board was set up in the Borough from. 17th April to 18th
June, the Public Health Department assisting In the organisation
of mass X-ray examinations of the public, including
employees of firms in the Borough, and also employees of
the Council.
The unit was sited for the first half of the survey
in a large mission hall, and for the second period, through
the good offices of the management, in the waiting room of