London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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In Greenwich the estimated annual cost is £800 per annum.
In Hampstead the estimated annual cost is £750 per annum, the
estimated number of persons treated is 165.
In Lambeth the estimated annual cost is £1,327 per annum, the
number of persons treated in five months was 3,880.
In Southwark the estimated annual cost is £1,152 per annum, the
estimated number of persons treated is 3,500.
In Wandsworth the estimated annual cost is £1,120 per annum, the
number of persons treated in 10 months was 936.
Poplar have a Voluntary Dispensary, but it is not in connection with the
Central Fund. The Council do not make any contribution, but are negotiating
with a view to an agreement. The Council elect two representatives out of
six, and the Medical Officer of Health is ex-officio on the Committee.
There are no Voluntary Dispensaries in
Bethnal Green,
Stoke Newington,
City of London.
The question is still under consideration in all these, except Shoreditch,
where the Council have made arrangements with the City Road Hospital, and
agreed to contribute a sum not exceeding £800 per annum, subject to
deduction trom the Local Government Board and the London County Council.
The Committee of Management of the dispensary in connection with the
hospital consists of 12 members, six of whom are appointed by the borough.
Chelsea Council propose to establish a dispensary in connection with
Brompton Hospital.
Finsbury have submitted a scheme for a Municipal Dispensary to the
Local Government Board.
Hackney Council propose to establish 2 dispensaries in connection with
2 hospitals.