London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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Articles Adulterated— continued.

9.Y.Butter4 per cent, excess of waterCaution
34.D.Milk3 „ added waterCaution
45.D.Milk3 ,, ,,Caution
38.F.ButterMargarine£10 2s. fine and £2 6s. costs
26.N.ButterMargarine£3 fine
23.H.Butter5 per cent, excess of waterCaution
42.G.Milk3 ,, added waterCaution
42.E.MargarineButterNo action
33.N.Milk4 per cent, added waterCaution
49.D.Milk3 „ „Caution
50.E.Milk4 „ „ and£1 fine and 23s. costs
5 „ deficient in fat
54.M.Milk8 „ „Dismissed (warranty)
55.M.Milk31 ,, ,,£4 fine
56.M.Milk18 „ „Adjourned (vendor absconded)
45.G.Milk4 „ added waterCaution
46.G.Milk4 „ „Caution
53.G.Milk6 „ deficient in fatCaution
55.G.Milk3 ,, added waterCaution
56.G.Milk3 „ „Caution
28.B.Milk3 „ „Caution
36.B.Milk18 per cent, deficient in fat£2 fine and 23s. costs
19.C.Milk8 „ „Caution
21.C.Milk5 „ ,,Caution
20.J.Milk15 „ ,,£2 fine and 23s. costs
22.J.Milk6 „ „Caution
37.B.ButterMargarine£5 fine and 23s. costs
40.B.Milk6 per cent, added water.£15 fine and 23s. costs
41.B.Milk13 „ „£3 fine and 23s. costs
45.F.Milk4 „ „Caution
31.H.Butter6 ,, excels of waterCaution
32.H.Milk10 „ added water30s. fine and 23s. costs
20. K.Milk9 „ „10s. fine and 23s. costs
46.B.ButterMargarine£3 fine and 23s. costs
47.B.Butter44 per cent, foreign fat£2 fine and 23s. costs
48.B.ButterMargarine£4 fine and 23s. costs
49.B.ButterMargarine£3 fine and 23s. costs
40.N.ButterMargarine£3 fine
54.E.Butter6 per cent, excess of water£2 fine and 23s. costs
31.J.Milk10 „ deficient in fat£5 fine and 23s. costs
32.J.Milk4 ,, added waterCaution