London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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26 21 4 24 Nil Two died in hospital
reported before completion of
Health Visitors report
upon case.
The cases per 1,000 births numbered 168.
Cases of Inflammation of eyes numbered 39, of which 8 were subsequently
notified as Ophthalmia Neonatorum.
Cases of Ophthalmia Neonatorum removed:—
St. Margaret's Hospital 2
Queen's Hospital for Children 1 Died from other causes.
St. Leonard's Hospital 1 Do.
Treated as out-patients:—
Royal London Ophthalmic
Hospital 14
City of London Maternity
Hospital 5
Greenwich Hospital 2
Medical Practitioner and District
Nurse 1
The cases per 1,000 births numbered 17.4 in Shoreditch, as compared
with 8.47 for London as a whole. In addition to the cases notified, 39 cases
of inflammation of the eyes in the newly born were reported by the Medical
Officer of Health of the London County Council. This figure includes 8
cases subsequently notified as ophthalmia neonatorum and included in the
foregoing table.
The Health Visitor does all that lies in her power to secure that the
child receives prompt and thorough treatment, and she keeps cases under
close observation until the eyes are cured.
Cerebro-Spinal Fever.
Fourteen cases of this disease came to the knowledge of the Health
Department during the year. Of these thirteen were notified.