London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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The question of the actual bacteriological sterility of these packets was
carefully investigated during the year, and an arrangement was reached with
the firm from whom they are obtained under which the firm agreed to consult
a well-known bacteriologist upon all matters relating to their sterilizing
process and periodically to submit to him samples for analysis.
Home Helps.
Home Helps are provided from a panel of women numbering twelve
approved by the Maternity and Child Welfare Committee for this duty.
The working arrangements and the duties of the Home Helps under this
scheme are explained in the following leaflet, copies of which are given both
to the Home Help and the family to which she is supplied:—
"Home Helps."
"Arrangements have been made by the Maternity and Child
Welfare Committee for the supply of Home Helps to homes in cases of
childbirth occurring in the Borough.
"Care has been taken in the selection of women to act as Home Helps
both in regard to character and competency, but the Maternity and Child
Welfare Committee cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of these
Home Helps. In any case where a Home Help is found inefficient
or unsatisfactory in any respect, information should be sent at once to the
Medical Officer of Health at the Town Hall.
"The Duties of a Home Help are as follows:—
"On being summoned to the case, she must as soon as possible
inform the Medical Officer of Health at the Town Hall. A stamped
addressed envelope will be given for this purpose.
"She must not attend the case until the confinement is over, and
her services are only to be given between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
(except in special circumstances).
"She is only expected to attend up to a maximum of 48 hours per
week for two weeks and should commence duty not later than 8 o'clock
in the morning. Any time in excess of this is not paid tor unless special
authority is given.