London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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One sample of borax contained arsenic 15 parts per million in excess of the
B.P. limit for purified borax. Legal proceedings were instituted, and the vendor
was ordered to pay 23s. Od. costs.
Two samples of sago were, on analysis, found to be tapioca. A warning letter
was sent to each vendor.
The sample of boracic ointment was 12 per cent, deficient in boric acid according
to the B.P. standard for boric agid ointment. The vendor was ordered to pay
23s. 0d. costs.
One sample of starch powder contained crystallised borax 21.1 per cent. No
action was taken.
Two samples sold as turpentine (one informal) contained liquid petroleum
derivatives giving no indication of the presence of turpentine to the extent of 100
per cent. Legal proceedings were taken, and the vendor was fined £20. One sample
of turpentine contained a liquid distilling below 156° C. to an amount of 15 per cent.
No action was taken.
One sample of whiskey contained excessive water 16.1 per cent. No action
was taken.
The two samples of linseed contained foreign seeds and other foreign matters
to the extent of 1.5 per cent, and 2.8 per cent, respectively. No action was taken
in either case.
The informal sample of tinned rhubarb in syrup contained tin 2.1 grains per
One sample of coffee contained 50 per cent, chicory. No action was taken,
there being a disclosure on the tin.
One sample of madeira cake contained boric acid 7.3 grains per pound. No
action was taken.
The sample of sultana cake contained boric acid 5 3 grains per pound. No
action was taken.
The sample of queen cakes contained boric acid 1.5 grains per pound. No
action was taken.
Twelve samples of non-alcoholic wines contained salicylic acid, ranging from
0.4 to 24 grains per pint. No proceedings were taken.
One sample of non-alcoholic wine contained alcohol 16.04 per cent, by volume,
one 11.84 per cent., one 9.91 per cent., and another 11.04 per cent. The summonses