London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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adjoin the room and extend either throughout the entire length of
one side thereof, or at least throughout the entire width of any
window or windows required by these regulations, and (except
where the area of such window or windows shall be of not less
extent than one-seventh of the floor area of the room) for three feet
on both sides of such window or windows.
Such area or open space shall be not less than two feet wide in
every part thereof and shall be open upwards from a level three
inches below the level of the damp-proof course in the adjoining
wall of the room.
Provided (a) that where a bay window in the room having
side lights overlooks such area the width thereof in front of such
window may be one foot at the least, and
(b) that any steps necessary for access to any part of the building
comprising the room may be placed in or over such area if they are
so placed as not to be over or across any window of the room required
by the regulation in that behalf.
8. (i) The room shall be effectually lighted by means of one or more
windows opening directly into the external air.
(ii) Every such window shall be so constructed that one-half
at the least may be opened and that the opening may extend to the
top of the window.
(iii) The total area of such window or windows, clear of the sash
frames, shall be equal at the least to one-eighth of the floor area of the
room and a portion of such total area equal in extent to at least one-tentli
of such floor area shall be so situated that a line making an angle
of thirty degrees with a horizontal plane can be drawn upwards from
any point thereon in a vertical plane at right angles to the plane of
the window so as not to intersect within a distance of ten feet
measured horizontally from the window any wall of any area
adjoining the room or any other wall or any kerb or other obstruction
except an open fence.
For the purposes of this paragraph a bay window having side
lights shall be assumed to be equivalent to a flat window of the same
area and of the same height in relation to the room and situated at
a distance from the outside area wall equal to the mean width of the
(iv.) In estimating the area of a window or windows for the
purpose of this regulation no account shall be taken of any part
of any such window which is above the mean level of the ceiling of
the room.
(v.) Any such window or windows shall overlook the area or
open space provided in pursuance of the regulation in that behalf.