London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Miss M. C. Martin, s.r.n., s.c.m.
Non-medical Supervisor of Midwives
Group Attachment of Domiciliary Midwives
A one year pilot scheme for the attachment of a domiciliary
midwife to a group of general practitioners was completed in
August 1970. The reactions of both midwives and general practitioners
were favourable and the scheme was extended to the
whole Borough, except for the Biggin Hill area. A further pilot
scheme for domiciliary midwives to deliver a few of their cases
in hospital, followed by the early discharge of the patients, was
completed in October 1970. The hospital concerned was Queen
Mary's Maternity Unit at Sidcup. Again, reactions to the scheme
were favourable and similar arrangements were therefore extended
to the Beckenham Maternity Hospital, Mason's Hill and Widmore
Road Maternity Units. The Guthrie test for detecting phenylketonuria
was introduced during the year. Every baby about 10 days
old was tested either in hospital or by the domiciliary midwife.
Deliveries attended by Midwives
Number of Domiciliary confinements attended by Midwives:—
Doctor not booked 1
Doctor booked 458
Total 459
Number of cases delivered in hospital but discharged and
attended by Midwives before the tenth day was 1,176.
The figure of 459 Domiciliary Confinements represent 9% of
the total number of births (adjusted), compared with 29% in 1965.
Over this six year period the number of discharges before the
tenth day has remained a constant proportion (±2½%) of the
number of hospital deliveries.
The number of all visits by Midwives during 1970 was 26,027,
a decrease of 5% over 1969.
Ante-natal and Post-natal Clinics
The number of women attending Local Authority Clinics (the
last to be held) was 184. Most women used General Practitioner
Clinics where Council nursing staff are attached to the Practices.
Relaxation and Mothercraft Classes
414 women attended these classes, maintaining an increase over
previous years. Each attended an average of 6 classes.