London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Males Females Total
1,457 1,662 3,119
Crude death rate per 1,000 estimated total
population 10.3
Adjusted rate for comparison with other areas 10.0
(Area comparability factor for deaths = 0.97)
Death rate for Greater London per 1,000
population 11.1
Death rate for England and Wales 11.7
Tuberculosis death rates:
All forms (per 1,000 population) 0.03
Pulmonary (per 1,000 population) 0.026
Non-Pulmonary (per 1,000 population) 0.003
Cancer death rates:
All forms (per 1,000 population) 2.2
Lung and Bronchus (per 1,000 population) 0.56
Other forms (per 1,000 population) 1.64
Staff Medical Examinations
409 members or potential members of the staff were given a
medical examination during 1966.
Meteorological Observations
The Director of Parks has kindly furnished the following
information from the records at the Climatological Station, Church
House Gardens:
Total rainfall 31.32 inches
Mean maximum daily temperature 57.5°F.
Mean minimum daily temperature 45.3°F.
Highest maximum temperature 80°F. (on 15.9.66)
Lowest minimum temperature 17°F. (on 19.1.66)
Lowest grass minimum 15°F. (on 15.1.66)
The Registrar-General's estimate of the population of the
Borough, mid-year, 1966, was 301,680, an increase of 230 over
the figure for the previous year. This figure gives a density of 7.7
persons to the acre.
The natural increase of population, measured by excess of
births over deaths, was 1,656. The figure for 1965 was 1,802.