London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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The "dishwasher carrier" was placed under restriction and
treated with Chloromycetin and her blood continues to show
negative Widals but Vi-agglutination remains at 1/10 - 1/20. Her
stools have now been cleared of Typhoid Bacillus and she has been
freed from restriction under the Infectious Disease Regulations.
Fifty-four cases were notified, all of which were institutionally
treated. This represents an attack rate of 60.3 per 1.000 total
No cases were notified.
No cases were notified.
There was a sharp rise in the incidence of this disease, mainly
during the first four months of the year. A total of nine hundred
and sixty-eight cases being notified, as against three hundred and
eighty-five cases for the previous year. This represents an attack
rate of 15.0 per 1.000 total population. The majority of cases
were in children under ten years of age.
The distribution of the cases was fairly even throughout the
Borough. Seven cases were removed to hospital, the remainder
being home nursed. There were no deaths from this disease in the
No effective epidemiological action can be taken by the
Department because the unhappy practice has grown up among the
General Practitioners that notification of measles is of no importance
and therefore can wait his or her pleasure before notifying.
No Home Visiting of measles cases is carried out.
Notifications of this disease also showed a rise as compared
with the previous year, a total of three hundred and eighty-two
cases being notified, as against one hundred and sixty cases for
1952. This represents an attack rate of 5.9 per 1.000 total
Seven cases were removed to hospital and the remainder home
nursed. There were no deaths from this disease recorded in the
Recordings in the Register for the year ended 31st December.
1953. are as under:—