London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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The British Red Cross Society keep a full range of nursing
requisites at their depot at 34a. Market Square, and these are
available to Bromley residents upon request. A small charge is
made for the loan of these articles.
The following reports on the Homes run by Voluntary
Associations and Public Authorities have been received:—
"Dunoran," Park Farm Road, Bickley.
I am indebted to the Medical Superintendent of the Home,
which is run by the Bermondsey and Southwark Group Hospital
Management Committee, for this report.
"1953 has been little different from previous years, the Home
has continued to cater for the young incurables, and eight beds have
been reserved for the dying. Some of the younger patients were
able to go to nursing homes by the sea for a fortnight's change,
through the kindness of the Management Committee who gave a
grant from the Amenity Fund. Several chronic invalids were
admitted for a short period to allow relatives to have a much
needed rest.
We have been very grateful to the W.V.S. who have organised
a weekly 'shop' for patients and given help to the staff in various
Voluntary helpers living near have also been in to visit lonely
patients and help with letters and shopping. We should be grateful
for more of this kind of help if Bickley residents could spare time"
Bed complement of Home 38
Daily number occupied 37.8
Total number admitted during 1953 84
Number died 24
Number discharged 59
"The Vane," Denbridge Road, Bickley, and "Town Court,"
Wells Road, Bickley.
These Homes are run by the Welfare Department of the
London County Council, and the following details have been
supplied by the Chief Officer of that Department:—
"Town Court." "The Vane."
Total number of beds 31
Residents on 31st December, 1952 30
Admissions during 1953 14 21
Discharges during 1953 14 19
Residents on 31st December, 1953 30 29
"Southwood," Residential Club, Oldfield Road, Bickley.
The following report has been furnished by the Centre