London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Owing to alterations in the accommodation of the new school
at Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, the plans for the Kitchen and Dining
Room had to be amended during the year. Provision has now
been made to serve 350 meals a day, but it will not be possible
for this canteen to be erected until the latter half of 1953.
As a result of the Kent Education Committee's decision to
reduce the age of admission to Technical Schools from 13 years
to 11 years, the provision of a new canteen at the Technical
School for Girls has become imperative. Proposals are under
consideration for the provision of new accommodation on the
school site to serve 600 meals a day.
No change has been made during the year in the charge for
the mid-day meal which remains at 7d. The number of meals
served in schools continues to increase and towards the end of the
year the daily average reached 7,062. A return to the Ministry
of Education showed that on a single day in October 76.72% of
the pupils in attendance at Primary and Secondary Schools
received a mid-day meal.
Two hundred and sixty-three children were examined by the
Assistant School Medical Officers in respect of fitness for
employment out of school hours. Fit certificates were issued in
all but one case.
The work of the Bromley Schools' Boot Club progressed
satisfactorily during the year 1952.
Contributions received from members £630 11s. 11d.
Purchases of Footwear £658 10s. 6d.
Total number of members, 31st December, 1952 652
Purchases made during the year 627
During the year twenty-six applications were received as a
result of which thirty-one children of necessitous families were
provided with clothing at a total cost of £68 12s. 5d.
Ninety-two cases of Scarlet Fever in school children were
notified during the year, as against 34 for the previous year. Of
this number, 56 were home nursed and 36 admitted to hospital.