London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Full details of the new cases and mortality during the year
1952 are shown in Table VIII of the Appendix.
The number of new cases notified during the year showed
an increase of eleven over the corresponding figure for 1951.
There were thirty-eight deletions from the Register as against
fifty-nine for the previous year.
mass x-ray.
It was anticipated that a Mass X-Ray Unit would have
visited Bromley again during the year 1952, but owing to their
heavy commitments this was not found possible. I have commented
on this matter in the letter of introduction.
food poisoning.
Five cases of Food Poisoning were notified during the year.
These were all isolated cases. Salmonella Typhi-murium was
identified as the agent responsible in two cases ; in the remaining
three cases the agent was not identified.
OTHER infectious diseases.
In addition to the infectious diseases enumerated above,
notifications were received as under:
Dysentery 5
Erysipelas 7
Meningococcal Infection 1
Pneumonia (all forms) 36
Malaria 1