London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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effort. It may well be that this multiplicity of visitation is one
of the causes of the growing tendency "to pass the buck," undermining
the responsibility which is the heritage of the parents
and which is the rock upon which all child care must rest, and
upon which this country and commonwealth has been built.
I would wish to record my acknowledgment to the Committee
for their interest in the work and for their help to me over the
many years of my endeavour to make, with the loyal assistance
of my colleagues, school nurses and clerical staff under Mr. Judd,
an efficient School Health Service.
Medical Officer of Health.
School Roll
1949 1950
Primary Schools 4,028 4,198
Secondary Schools 1,906 1,933
Grammar and Technical Schools 1,754 1,711
Total 7,688 7,842
Further Education.
School of Arts and Crafts, Tweedy Road.
Building Department, Wharton Road.
Technical Institutes.
Bromley Technical Institute (County Grammar School for
Raglan Road Evening Institute.
Burnt Ash Evening Institute.
The standard of cleanliness and hygiene of the Bromley
Schools has been well maintained during the past year. It is
unfortunate, however, that due to shortage of labour and
materials, the Ministry of Education has found it necessary to
curtail works of capital expenditure, thus further delaying the
necessary hygienic improvements in outmoded schools.
Burnt Ash County Primary School.
Additional sanitary and cloakroom accommodation has been
provided consequent upon the re-organisation at Burnt Ash.
Seven new W.C.'s and 14 wash basins (with hot water supply)
have been installed for the Junior Department, and there have
been certain minor improvements in the Infants' Department.