London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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During the first six months of the year there was a continued
and steady demand for this service. The slight increase
in the assistance afforded by the Ministry of Labour to patients
requiring domestic help over a long and continuous period enabled
us to meet all applications for assistance in needy cases
and those in an emergency.
The following table gives details of assistance given under
the Domestic Help Scheme whilst operated by this Department:—
Average number of helpers employed continuously: —
(a) Whole-time 4
(b) Part-time 10
Total number of cases assisted: —
(a) Maternity 30
(b) Sickness 49
The Domestic Help Service is now operated by the County
Council through their Area Supervisor, and there has been a
great increase in the demand for the supply of domestic workers.
All hospitals within the area are now State controlled, and
are administered by the Bromley Group Hospital Management
Committee on behalf of the South East Metropolitan Regional
(a) Bromley Hospital, Cromwell Avenue. Provides a
general hospital service with general in-patient and out-patient
departments. This hospital, which serves a wider area than the
Borough, also has two Maternity Units, at 118, Widmore Road
and 20. Masons Hill, Bromley.
(b) West Kent Isolation Hospital. Provision for the isolation
and treatment of infectious disease is made by the hospital
in Lennard Road.
(c) Bromley Chest Clinic. This Clinic is situate at 2 Park
Road, Bromley, in premises most inadequate for such purpose,
and is now under the control of the Regional Board.
The continued co-operation and liaison received from both
the medical and administrative staff of this Clinic is much