London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1940

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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2 (a) No. of dwelling-houses (included
under subhead 1 (a) above) which
were inspected and recorded under
tlie Housing Consolidated Regulations,
1925-1932 Nil
(h) No. of inspections made for the purpose Nil
3 No. of dwelling-houses found to be in
a state so dangerous to health as to
be unfit for human habitation Nil
4 No. of dwelling-houses (exclusive of
those under preceding sub-bead)
found not to be in all respects reasonably
fit for human habitation 409
II. Remedy of Defects during tlie year without
Service of Formal Notices.
Number of defective houses rendered
fit in consequence of informal action 403
III. Housing Act, 1936. Part IV. Overcrowding.
No report is practicable at the present time.
Milk Supply.
Dairy premises came under routine inspection aim
sampling was carried out periodically for bacteriological
Meat and Other Foods.
Private slaughtering being now in abeyance, the
usual tabulation of carcases inspected for disease is
The total' weight of carcases, parts of carcases awl
offal rejected for disease, etc., including imported meat
and meat condemned after emergency slaughtering' ^as
8,681 lbs.