London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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the left forearm on 17.5.80. Control of the left, upper and
lower extremities was markedly improved, and it was
possible to discharge her on 3.9.30.
T.S., a boy of 14, admitted on 28.3.30, on account of
numerous bony swellings. He was a well marked case of
Diaphyseal Aclasia. Operations were performed on 11.4.30
and 1.5.30, for the removal of the bony masses that were
interfering with joint function. He was discharged on
F.B., age 6 years, was admitted on 7.G.30 for repairs
to his splint. He had a flexion contracture of the left
knee, which was corrected by the application of extension,
and the wearing of a caliper splint. He was discharged on
G.B., a girl of 15, was admitted on 1.7.30 on account
of backache and round shoulders. She had a rigid
Kyphosis with some X-ray evidence of Epiphysitis of the
Spine. She was fitted with a spinal support, and in a short
time her mobility had improved rapidly under gymnastic
treatment. She was discharged on 20.11.30.
S.C., age 7 years, was admitted on 10.7.30 with a
contracture of the left little finger, the result of a burn.
Two plastic operations were performed, and he was discharged
on 14.10.30 with a slightly stiff, but perfectly
straight finger.
Sunlight Treatment.
The total number of cases treated was 115, which is
an increase of 25 over the previous year. Thirteen of these
cases were irregular in attendance, and therefore did not
benefit to the fullest extent by the treatment.
The types of cases submitted for treatment were as
General Debility 54
Impetigo 11
Chilblains 5
Pre-Choreic and Nervous Children 6
Rickets 5
Septic Spots 4