London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Yiewsley 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Yiewsley]

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Four contraventions of the Factory Act (i.e., need of limewashing).
Slaughter Houses.
No contravention of bye-law—all clean and satisfactory.
Cow Sheds.
Cleaning required in one instance only.
Dairies and Milkshops.
No defects discovered.
Water Closets.
Nine were repaired, supplied with water, or otherwise improved.
Seven were examined and tested ," two exposed. Three waste
pipes and rain water pipes were disconnected, repaired, etc. Fifteen
were unstopped, repaired, trapped, etc. Two new soil pipes were
fixed. Two existing soil pipes (or ventilating pipes) were repaired.
One disconnecting trap and chamber was inserted.
Twenty-four were emptied, cleansed, etc.
The smoke nuisance previously complained of at the Water
Company's Pumping Station has been effectively remedied.
Accumulation of Refuse.
Fifteen accumulations were discovered.
Foul Ditches, Ponds, etc., and Stagnant Water.
One cleaned out.