London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wood Green 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wood Green]

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Encephalitis Lethargica.
Five cases of Encephalitis Lethargica were notified during the
year, with four deaths.
Two of the cases were removed to the Edmonton Infirmary and
one to the National Hospital, Queen's Square; the remaining cases
proved fatal before removal could be effected.
Enteric Fever.
There were two cases of Enteric Fever notified, with no deaths,
against two cases with one death in 1919.
The first case was a nurse employed at the Passmore Edwards'
Hospital, and the second was employed as a housekeeper in the
Alexandra Park Ward.
Not the slightest history of infection could be traced in either
The nurse from the Passmore Edwards' Hospital was removed
to the Isolation Hospital, and the second case, a very mild one, was
nursed at home; both made good recovery.
There were 20 cases of Erysipelas notified with one death,
against 24 cases with one death in 1919.
Puerperal Fever.
There were two cases of Puerperal Fever, as against three in
One case occurred in the Noel Park Ward and the other in the
Central. Both cases were attended at their confinement by medical
men, and made good recovery.